Sunday, 3 March 2013

St David's Day Photo Shoot

We had a fantastic St David's Day with the little superstars from Cylch Meithrin Hwlfford/Haverfordwest Welsh Playgroup.  We will be donating money to the Cylch from profits made from selling the prints to do our bit to help keep this wonderful facility running!  Thanks to all parents and staff who supported the day!

Monday, 4 February 2013

Even bath toys need to let their hair down sometimes, get down and boogie!  No Photoshopping was used to make this photo, the only editing is adding our logo.  Long exposure and light painting - a great way to have fun with your camera.

Sunday, 27 January 2013

It's a small world...

People often say "it's a small world"... when I went for a walk today around Haverfordwest Racecourse, I could see just what they meant!
(c) Moogle Photography

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Bring On the Sunshine!

Do you think we will have a summer this year...?

(c) Moogle Photography

New website launched!

We are still working on it, but our new website is now live!  Thanks for visiting and please bear with us while we add more features, information and pictures.